Here to help

Writing Center consultants can work with you on any kind of writing project, from course papers to job application materials and creative writing. We can also help with speeches and presentations. Our services are free and available to all students, staff and faculty at the University of Iowa.

Schedule an appointment

Submit a draft

Standing Weekly Meetings

Writing for all

The Writing Center is hosted by the Department of Rhetoric and is located in room 110 of the English Philosophy Building. Services are free and available to all students, faculty, and staff. Not affiliated with the UI? We also help staff a community writing center at the Iowa City and Coralville Public Library. Walk-in appointments available for Johnson County residents during the fall and spring semesters.

close-up of student writing on paper

Est. 1934

One of the first Writing Centers in the U.S.

students in a rhetoric class


The Center has a long-standing tradition of one-to-one instruction in rhetorical and communication skills.


The number of hours of one-on-one writing instruction we provide each year.

students discussing writing


The number of students, faculty, and staff, we meet with each semester.

student discussing writing

Our Story

The University of Iowa Writing Center was started by Carrie Stanley in 1934, making it one of the first writing centers in the country. The center has a long-standing tradition of one-to-one instruction in rhetorical and communication skills.

News and announcements

Fall 2025 Writing Fellows Applications

Tuesday, January 28, 2025
The Writing Center is now accepting applications for the 2025 Fall Writing Fellows Program, a peer tutoring/writing across the curriculum initiative. Writing Fellows are undergraduate students in the Honors at Iowa Program who are assigned to courses across campus every semester.

Student Spotlight

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Learn more about Camellia Pham, a third-year student from Vietnam, double majoring in Comparative Literature and Chinese with a minor in Translation for Global Literacy at the University of Iowa.

Winter Institute for Teaching with Writing

Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Learn more about the Winter Institute for Teaching with Writing at the Writing Center.


Seminar Series Commemorating the Lasting Impact of the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center promotional image

Seminar Series Commemorating the Lasting Impact of the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center

Friday, January 24, 12:00pm to Friday, May 9, 2025 1:00pm
Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center
Join us for our weekly professional seminar, commemorating the lasting impact of the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center. Topics range all dimensions of communicative studies and disorders (Audiology, Hearing Science, Speech Science, Speech Pathology, Language Acquisition, etc.). Noon to 1 p.m., Fridays at the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center, 250 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, IA Presentations are in-person with some also simultaneously streamed on Zoom. (

REDCap Data Handling

Thursday, March 13, 2025 10:00am to 11:00am
This is the sixth and final step in the REDCap training series. In this training we won't use REDCap at all. Instead, we will cover ways to view and manage your exported REDCap data in Microsoft Excel and Sublime Text such as: Populating data from one Excel sheet to another with vlookup() Seeing specific data with column sorting and filtering Ensuring data is cohesive by creating tables Looking at how data relates to other data by creating pivot tables Transforming unusable data to a...

Computer Science - Founders Day Celebration

Thursday, March 13, 2025 3:30pm to 4:30pm
University Capitol Centre
On the occasion of our 60th anniversary, the Department of Computer Science at Iowa cordially invites you to attend our 3rd Annual Founders Day Celebration. This event will be held Thursday, March 13, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in 2520D UCC (On 2nd floor of Old Capitol Mall). Please join us for ice cream sundaes as we celebrate the achievements of the extraordinary students and faculty in our department! RSVP by Monday, March 10.
Cafecito Cervantes promotional image

Cafecito Cervantes

Thursday, March 13, 2025 4:00pm to 4:45pm
Join Cafecito Cervantes, a weekly conversation group hosted by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Iowa! Join the Zoom meeting with your favorite drink—coffee optional—and enjoy casual conversation practice with fellow Spanish speakers and learners. Every session focuses on speaking practice, cultural exchange, and building confidence in your Spanish speaking skills. All proficiency levels are welcome!
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