Darryl Moton
I am a fourth-year PhD Candidate in English (post-Comps, yay!). Despite being born on-campus at UIHC, I didn't move to Iowa City until I was 35; in the intervening time, I lived in Ames, Hawaii, Seattle, Portland Oregon, and Ankeny Iowa. I did my undergraduate at Iowa State. I've taught Rhetoric and I am currently teaching Interpretation of Literature both online and in-person. I also tutor at the Athletic Learning Center and the Community Writing Center. I love working with diverse student populations (especially non-traditional students) and actively embrace the interconnectivity of all academic disciplines. My research centers around the construction of whiteness as a racialized category and the relationship between identity and hegemony, but I have a few academic "side hustles" you can ask me about if you get bored. Outside of academia, I am a dad and partner first and foremost, but I also relentlessly cook and bake, play a truly silly number of instruments in a few bands, write short stories and novels, roast coffee, collect clones of the Boss HM-2 distortion pedal, watch both American and Canadian football, and play Magic: The Gathering.