Iowa Digital Learning and Engagement
Iowa Digital Learning and Engagement works with instructors who are interested in teaching writing using digital platforms and multimodal assignments. It offers one-on-one consultations for faculty interested in creating or redesigning multimodal writing assignments (blogs, websites, podcasts...). Its Media Tutoring Lab provides technological and production support for students working on multimodal writing assignments inside and outside the classroom.
Writing Center
The Writing Center offers feedback on any kind of writing assignment and one-on-one consultations for instructors on any aspect of teaching writing.
Speaking Center
The Speaking Center assists instructors interested in using speaking and presentation assignments to teach writing. It also offers one-on-one and small group tutoring for students working on speaking assignments. Register speaking appointments through the Writing Center.
Frank Business Communication Center
The Frank Business Communication Center partners with Tippie College of Business faculty interested in developing writing and presentation assignments in their course curriculum. The Frank Center provides guidance in designing communication assessment rubrics and will create assignment-specific virtual workshops presented by our undergraduate peer tutors for inclusion on course ICON sites to help with student success on achieving communication learning objectives.
Accounting Writing Program
The Accounting Writing Program is a curricular initiative within the Department of Accounting in the Tippie College of Business and is closely aligned with the Frank Business Communication Center's mission. The program features writing, presentation, and/or visual communication assignments in every departmental undergraduate and Master's-level course, and provides students and faculty support with professional consultants to teach communication skills and assess student work.
Writing University Obermann Working Group
The Writing University Obermann Working Group is an interdisciplinary group of faculty from across the University of Iowa who meet once a month to share research on writing pedagogy and develop ways to promote writing across the curriculum. In collaboration with the Center for Teaching and the Rhetoric Centers, members also plan, organize and facilitate Institute for Teaching with Writing workshops which provide training in writing pedagogy for faculty interested in incorporating more writing into their courses.
The Writing Centers Consortium is a group of writing center and writing tutor administrators from across campus who meet once or twice a year to discuss issues related to supporting student writing and coordinate services.
Center for Teaching
The Center for Teaching offers a variety of programs for faculty and consultations on research-based instructional practices that support successful student learning.